Soup of the Day

Last week, I was on a call with a band and we got to talking about the varied background of each of the members and the different influences each member brought to the table. Reflecting on that conversation the next day, it occurred to me that bands (and by extension solo artists) are like a soup.

Let's say, as an example, you want to make a chicken soup. You can throw a chicken into a pot with some water and boil it but the result would taste bland at best and awful at worst. Now, if you add onion, carrots and celery into the pot you've got a flavoured broth. Next add salt and pepper and some of your favourite spices. Since you’ve brought your own spices to the recipe, you get to call the soup whatever you’d like.

I submit for your consideration that band members are the ingredients and their life experiences and musical influences are the spices that determine how good the soup tastes. (If you're a solo artist, you'd be the chicken in this example. If you perform solo, hopefully you have plenty of spice to put into the pot). So, what kind of soup are you going to be?

Food for thought.

Steve Waxman